Cycling in the Mont Ventoux area and spotting vultures


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A week or so ago I was on a cycling trip to get to the top of Mont Ventoux. This was one of the main goals for cycling this year, together with two others, but again injury and fitness did not get me to the first goal. So this was a must reach goal. It started off unlucky with illness and medicine. In the end I did manage to get to the top, but it took a lot of perseverance and some curse words. The reward was worth it in the end. It was a lovely (maybe too hot) of a day.

Here above some quick snapshots taken with my phone. I guess I might be upgrading to an iPhone Pro next time as photography with apple raw would be really cool to do. As these images are already pretty decent in jpeg. These are typical Provence small towns and road. I loved it to bits!

The first rides were around the Ventoux area and through the Gorges de la Nesque which I knew was supposed to be beautiful but it even managed to suprise me. This was a lovely road, epic views and even at the end of the route vultures in the sky. I discovered that they actually had nests across the gorge in the rocks. Far away and took some shots, but not the best photos.

After that ride and the next day I returned to that area where the vultures were spotted and the setting sun, the air and the gorges made for epic light and some cool compositions. Especially the ones with the top of Mont Ventoux in the photos and the close up I really like.

In the end when all riding was done that week and a well deserved pizza was on the menu. I took out the camera after that delicious pizza. I tried to capture some night photos of the town Mazan. A very old typical Provence town in minimal street lights. The old buildings, the light and the alleyways gave for some relaxing and enjoyable photography. I won’t say that these are the best night photos I ever took, but with the small Olympus camera and F1.8 lens I could do without a tripod and that made the experience way more enjoyable, more freedom and just shoot experience.

I will come back to my new setup with OM Systems and Olympus lenses instead of my Sony setup. In the end it won me over and traded in my Sony gear for Olympus gear. It’s not better or worse, just different and lighter when I need it to be. The latter is and was the deciding factor.

For now I will leave you with all the photos. Let me know what you think about architecture photography and don’t hesitate to leave a comment or an e-mail. Click to view larger in a light box and navigate with mouse or arrow keys. Enjoy!