Birds in the neighbourhood a quick stroll through the meadows with the Sony A1 and 100-400mm


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The last days of really good autumn weather or so it feels like. Its bound to change but the days recently have been sunny, quite warm for the time of year and with a nice quality of light. After a trip to the Achterhoek in the Netherlands for birding a nice stroll through the meadows here and exploring the local birds. The Achterhoek blog will be next.

I’ve heard a comment recently that the birds that are around you, you don’t pay much attention to and the “urban birding” is actually a great way to observe and really get to know your local birds. I was quite interested by this point of view and are going to do more birding directly around my house. For me going on a bike for 5 minutes I’m in the meadows in my direct surroundings. Maybe not really urban, but locally in my case.

The benefit is that I can do it more and takes up less time, so I can eat, sleep, repeat so to say. Which is always a good way to improve yourself. I guess that is what happened with this shoot as I was treated to a hunting kestrel right above my head. The only small thing was the sun was not really in a favourable spot, nevertheless a nice shot! As I could have given up earlier in my walk as there as nothing to see. I guess that is the really benefit of being close to home, you can always extend your time a bit or take a different route home and be treated to all sorts of new things.

The latter is exactly what happened. I took a different route home and suddenly I was surrounded by birds around a local farm. Where there were godwits, sparrows, woodpecker, starlings and again a or even the same kestrel. So I guess I need to do this more. More to come!

For now there you have it! All shot with the Sony combo! And don’t hesitate to leave a comment or an e-mail. Click to view larger in a light box and navigate with mouse or arrow keys. Enjoy!