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So where did we left off the last blog? Due to construction at home, holidays and suddenly it becoming 2022 and the next lockdown, I get lost in my to do list. This one is far over due as well as the following days I spend in the Alpes in Switzerland. I’ll be short this one as day 2 and 3 where full of rain and mist. However still wanted to get some hiking done as siting inside in such a surrounding feels a total waste.

The second day was maybe the worst and I waited until well after noon to get outside. By then is was still raining but more a drizzle than earlier. I decide to do a small local loop through the forest and along the mountain edge. It was fun to do! Really steep to begin with and with too much clothes on it was really hot and started to see the limitations of my North Face jacket.

The third day started out well enough with some grey clouds, but dry and clearing skies. So the first thing to do was to go to the Gletscherschlucht or the glacier canyon with the glacier water or river beneath it. Its quite fun to visit, although its a tourist thing, still fun though. A great start of the morning.

In the afternoon it was time to hike up to on of the vistas of Grindelwald, however the rain started to come in again and being fed up of being wet I decided to turn around half way. Eventually this vista I visited two days later on the longest hike I did - because of missing the last bus. Still epic though.

So there you have it! All shot with the Sony A1 and Sigma combo! Don’t hesitate to leave a comment or drop an e-mail. Click to view larger in a light box and navigate with mouse or arrow keys. Enjoy!