Bird Portrait Photography - The Outtakes


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A concept in the works, that was the title of this blog. An idea to capture birds in a “human” like portrait. Difficult yes, but rewarding and so much fun to do! It made me think of composition, contrast, posture and just figuring out how to get a good image. Especially getting the light and darker parts of the image just right is the most difficult. The composition is just a waiting game as this was all shot in a bird-zoo. So not the normal place I would wander, normally in nature, but this idea also started here when I was just visiting the zoo without photography in mind.

The first outing and my learning proces resulted in the first set op photos. I’m still not done yet and figuring out how to improve this. Therefor some outtakes to see if I can learn something in the “lesser” photos. I guess I need to be more patient, as I need to wait for the right moment to capture these magnificent birds. Also I need to eat, sleep, photograph, repeat, in order to really understand how to get the best image in this specific case. Do more, become better!

For now it first needs to be better weather and a good sunny day in order to get the dark versus light areas in the composition to get this portrait type of dramatic shots.

All photos below, taken with the Fujifilm X-T3 and the Fujinon 100-400mm. Click to view larger in a light box and navigate with mouse or arrow keys. Enjoy!